The beauty industry is a multi-billion dollar industry with revenues estimated to top 62 billion in 2016. And it’s to no surprise that companies are capitalizing on the ever growing demands. But let’s face it, some of the best beauty products aren’t made in chemical labs—they’re made straight from the earth, in raw and natural form. Here are five natural oils that every beauty babe should have in her beauty arsenal.
1. Coconut Oil | Known for its versatile health benefits—-the edible and greasy coconut secretions can solve just about any of your beauty problems. Seriously! It’s an excellent moisturizer for the skin and hair. It serves as a great eye make-up remover. How about a DIY scrub? Simply add some oil to a bowl, add brown sugar and a hint of peppermint oil—and you’ve just concocted your very own facial scrub. Need more benefits? Well, it’s also a naturally antibacterial and anti-fungal.
2. Almond Oil | Rich with fatty acids, almond oil can be a great natural skincare cure for conditions like acne and eczema. My son suffers from chronic eczema and I often turn to many of the oils on this list as a treatment mechanism. As a nut base product, if you suffer from nut allergies you should probably stay clear of using this product.
3. Peppermint Oil | Known for its soothing powers, when applied to the face– it can reduce redness, even skin tone and restore a natural glow to the skin. Use it on the hair to eliminate dandruff and to support hair growth.
4. Castor Oil | Another favorite of mine. It’s said to aid in stretch mark reduction (I’m still testing this out), scar fading, acne reduction, sunburn treatment, hair growth and intensive moisturizing. Like coconut oil, the benefits of castor oil are extraordinary.
5. Olive Oil | Stored in your kitchen cabinet, there are many benefits to its use. When I suffer from dry and brittle hair–I turn to an olive oil treatment. Simply warm the olive oil and apply to damp hair and let it sit for approximately 10 minutes, shampoo and condition. You’d be sure to notice an improved difference in strength. Same for nails. Soak nails in it for approximately 10 minutes twice a week for strong, shinny and healthier nails. Use it as a natural makeup remover. Also use it as a total body moisturizer by applying a couple tbs to your bath water or use it as an after shower moisturizer.