Hi Friends,

I’ve been pretty busy juggling multiple hats as a mom, wife, businesswoman, friend and you name it. But there is always time for sewing. I haven’t sewn anything for me in a couple of weeks (ok…maybe days) as I’ve been working on an outfit for a special friend for her birthday. On another note, like many fashionistas…..I look to designers, celebs and of course you for hot fashion inspiration. With that being said, one of America’s fashion forward families today are the Kardashians (whether you love them or hate them). One thing that you can’t take away from them is their incredible fashion sense.
My favorite fashionista of the bunch is none other than Kris Jenner. Her style is so fabulous in my opinion and every single time I see her it never fails…she is always well put together with precision and fashionably fabulous execution. I saw Kris rocking an amazing Stella McCartney color block dress that I just swooned over. So I decided to use that as inspiration to create today’s look using pattern V1329 with a few modifications. I added sleeves and used different color fabric for both the front and back panels for a more simpler color block look. The fabric of choice was a Ponte de Roma knit. So what do you think?