I was nominated for the Liebster Award, an award that brings recognition across the blogosphere to new bloggers like myself. I am so honored for the nomination by fellow fashionably fabulous blogger Charlotte of Milk N Honee blog. The Liebster Award is also designed to help you discover other new and awesome blogs out there. Let’s face it, there are so many blogs out there and sometimes many of the great ones don’t have high following and go undiscovered by many. So thank you Charlotte, I am so honored and humbled for your recognition and nomination.
So here are the rules…..
1. Post the award proudly on your blog
2. Choose 5 blogs to pass this award on to
3. Notify recipients of their nomination by commenting on their blog
4. Write 11 interesting facts about you + 11 questions for bloggers to answer
5. Answer 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you
6. Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you
I’m passing this award along to some of the following blogs that I adore: Ranti in Review, Kenya L Fashion Blog, The Travel Guru, Be Quoted, My Daily Threads
11 Interesting Facts About Me
- I played the Alto Sax in my younger years.
- I hate clothes shopping (weird huh…LOL).
- I ran track in high school.
- I don’t like chocolate.
- Ironing clothes is therapeutic.
- I’m afraid of lizards and frogs.
- I use to sleep walk.
- I love seafood.
- I drink beer.
- I’m a really great cook.
- My hubby and I are considering adoption
My 11 Answers to Charlotte of Milk n Honee
1. Do you watch Reality TV? If so which is your favorite show?
Sadly… Yes. LOL. I watch some reality TV. I watch RHOA.
2. Soap or shower gel?
Soap. I swear by my Sunaroma Oatmeal & Vitamin E soap
3. What is the last book you read?
The History of Love by Nicole Krauss
4. Your motto for 2014
Step out on faith
5. Heels or flats and why?
Heels. I stand at 5’4” and heels just gives my little petite frame that extra boost. Plus, flats are too limited in style. I don’t go to crazy with the heels, I look for comfort first, then style.
6. One food you could eat for the rest of your life.
Anything from the sea. Sushi, ceviche, garlic blue crabs, oysters….the list goes on and on.
7. Favorite song of all times
Optimistic by Sound of Blackness
8. Last movie you watched at the theatre
I took my son to see the last Lego movie
9. New York, Chicago or Los Angeles which would you rather live in?
I would rather live in Chicago hands down. I lived in New York in my younger years. I visit LA often….but there is something about Chi-town. It’s my favorite America city.
10. Your style crush
Jennifer Lopez. Love that woman.
11.Which would you rather, dresses or pants?
Sadly… Yes. LOL. I watch some reality TV. I watch RHOA.
2. Soap or shower gel?
Soap. I swear by my Sunaroma Oatmeal & Vitamin E soap
3. What is the last book you read?
The History of Love by Nicole Krauss
4. Your motto for 2014
Step out on faith
5. Heels or flats and why?
Heels. I stand at 5’4” and heels just gives my little petite frame that extra boost. Plus, flats are too limited in style. I don’t go to crazy with the heels, I look for comfort first, then style.
6. One food you could eat for the rest of your life.
Anything from the sea. Sushi, ceviche, garlic blue crabs, oysters….the list goes on and on.
7. Favorite song of all times
Optimistic by Sound of Blackness
8. Last movie you watched at the theatre
I took my son to see the last Lego movie
9. New York, Chicago or Los Angeles which would you rather live in?
I would rather live in Chicago hands down. I lived in New York in my younger years. I visit LA often….but there is something about Chi-town. It’s my favorite America city.
10. Your style crush
Jennifer Lopez. Love that woman.
11.Which would you rather, dresses or pants?
While I love dresses—I’m a separates kinda a girl. I love mixing and matching and pants affords me the ability to do that well. So, pants it is.
OAN: I will be away on a mini vacay for a couple of days. Let’s stay connected via Facebook here or Instragram here. Chat with you beautiful people soon. Peace, Love & Blessings!