When it comes to establishing a wardrobe, the main thing to consider is how well does the elements fit within your lifestyle. If you work in a corporate setting, those leopard spiked 4 inch pumps may certainly not be fitting for the corporate setting. They would however be more suitable in a creative setting. Surely no one would give the proverbial side eye to the Senior Editor or Creative Director over at Vogue if she stepped into a leadership meeting rocking these. Corporate America? Well, you will probably get the proverbial side eye along with being the joke of the office. Part of having great style is knowing what is appropriate when. And selecting the key pieces that is most suitable for your lifestyle will not only allow your peers to take you seriously, but will also save you lots of money in the long run. Because in reality, you have to look the part in order to play the part. Someone should make this their corporate slogan (no seriously).
Certainly your corporate wardrobe should be aligned with your corporate dress code policy. However, the pieces above will fit most corporate cultures and will also transition well outside of the corporate office. The color them here is obviously black. A color that represents elegance, sophistication and confidence. These pieces are the building blocks, the classic staples that will provide you the comfort and flexibility to mix-and-match with ease. They are the key pieces that are worth the splurge, because after all—they will probably get the most wear and tear throughout the years; and here is when quality over quantity counts the most.