My approach to style is pretty simple. Present your best self and attempt to deliver with sophisticated excellence. I often get asked to describe my personal style and I’ve gotta be honest, it usually took me a long time to firmly come up with an answer. Why? Because I was so desperately searching for that signature aspect of my style that quite frankly didn’t exist. It wasn’t the classic red lips. It wasn’t the classic cateye sunnies. The hair. The silhouette. Signature style doesn’t have to reflect the same. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to look the same day-to-day. Some people choose a more refined and specific look; like the younger Janelle Monae or a look that is a little more free in definition; perhaps like June Ambrose.
Photography | Nick Pecori
Outfit Details: Jacket: Fashion Fab Boutique (coming soon) | Skirt: Custom by Sandra Hagen | Clutch: Fashion Fab Boutique | Sandals: Bronx (old shoe brand that I miss dearly) | Lip: Make Up Forever #48
A signature look is the curated elements in fashion that defines personal style. The unique elements that speaks to who you are. A look that goes synonymous with your name and brand. Developing a signature look isn’t something that occurs over night; it usual takes years to orchestrate. My personal style is defined by clean lines and silhouettes accentuated by bold colors and patterns. So not necessary that one particular thing. A mix that I like to often refer to as vintage mod meets sophisticated-chic, with a touch of urban influence. So what’s your signature style?