Hey Girl! You kicked ass this year, lots of it. You removed all distractions to focus on what was most important this year—building legacy. You read 18 books, tackled cryptocurrency investing, sailed the Caribbean seas with your family, completed countless home improvement projects, grown your business by fifty-five percent and launched another division of your Fashionably Fabulous brand. You’ve been quite a busy woman in 2017. But there’s always room for improvement. In the upcoming year, don’t lose site of the following.
- Set aside much needed time for not only immediate family, but distant family who would love to hear your voice, see your face and feel your presence more often.
- 18 books read in 2017 is pretty damn impressive, but not nearly enough. Let’s double that in 2018.
- You ended the year in not so great health. Girl…you need to get your ish together. So much so that you’ll be undergoing surgery in the new year. Get active. Get that blood circulation under control. And the weight! Your health depends on it. The excessive thirty-five pounds—get rid of it.
- You’ve been in overdrive for the last two years. Slow down. Put it in cruise control.You’re on the verge of burnout.
- Where’s the social butterfly? Get out, get dressed, have some fun will you! Oh and loose those sweat pants. Don’t loose yourself.